The Prose and Cons Of A Weekly Blog



Mood: anxious

Music of Choice: Bird and the Bee “I Hate Camera” (in my head)

Should I write about a goat? Should I write about a boat?
Should I write about a tree? Should I write about my knee?
Should I write a silly tale? Should I write about a whale?
Whatever should I write? Perhaps a note about a kite!
Oh the dilemma I am in! Both in typing and in pen.
Writing a weekly blog is hard. Think I’ll go lie in the yard.
But wait, what is this I see? A cloud that’s oddly shaped like me!
It looks slightly out of place. Yet I’m filling up the space.
With simple prose from me to you stating “blogging is hard to do”.

Oh. And I like Bordeaux cookies. And cinnamon gum.