Eggxit; Stage Right!


Mood: reflective

Music of Choice: Two Door Cinema Club

Well, I am thoroughly enjoying my 3-day weekend. I am also thinking fondly of childhood Easter memories: finding strange gifts in my Easter basket like a calculator with multi-colored gems for buttons (which I still have, by the way), having Easter egg hunts with parents and grandparents, and the time my dog Buttons took one of my eggs and I was scared to death he would eat it. How DARE him turn my dozen into only eleven? I hate the number eleven. I know I dyed and hunted Easter eggs well up into my teens, but I didn’t care. Heck, I’d do it NOW if I could do it and not be excommunicated by the adult world, my friends and several members of my family. But I also know that Easter is not just about 6 foot tall rabbits or that plastic grass that sticks to EVERYTHING. It represents Jesus’ resurrection after dying on the cross for our sins. And I try to keep that in mind every year. But even when I go to church on Easter morning, distractions are looming everywhere:
“Oh, look at Mrs. Hathaway wearing that ridiculous hat. Didn’t she wear that a week ago at DERBY DAY?”
“Ms. Foster’s dress looks like a 5 year old’s pastel painting threw up!”
“Is that our pastor daring to wear a tie with the Easter Bunny on it?!? That’s sacrilege!”
Like I said….soooo many distractions. Which is why I smack my hand every Easter and send myself begrudgingly to a “time-out”. Why? Because Easter should not be the only day you think about the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross, or the fact that He arose from the grave three days later to join His Heavenly Father at His right hand.
So my wish for all of you is too have a wonderful Easter and to not let your distractions of fashion faux pas and how many eggs your dog eats allow you to forget what Easter should be about. And if you aren’t religious, then hug your family tight and enjoy this holiday with them. Time is fleeting. Now, I’m gonna go buy a dozen eggs. For EATING, not Easter egg hunting! Geez! Simmer down and put away your weaponry.